How to change your subconscious beliefs

double exposure of a sunset and the silhouette of a woman's head in profile

Identify and banish the core beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you stuck 

One of the most difficult things we can ask of ourselves is to change our subconscious or reprogram our core beliefs. Why? The clue is in the name. They’re our core, foundational thoughts about the world around us and our place in it, and just like an automatic habit such as absentmindedly chewing on your nails, they’re often tucked within the depths of our subconscious so we don’t even realise they’re there.

That’s usually when my clients start telling me they feel anxious, unable to focus, unable to move forward… they feel stuck. But the mind is powerful and surprisingly malleable. Thought work can help unpick these stubborn beliefs and replace them with new ones. 

Before you read on, would you like to download my Getting Unstuck Workshop? This is a free 60-minute session, which will help you take the first steps to navigating change in your life, no matter what your unique journey is. 


In this article, we’ll cover: 

What are subconscious thoughts? 

How do subconscious thoughts stand in our way? 

Can we change our beliefs? 

How to change subconscious beliefs? 

How difficult is it to change beliefs? 

Reprogramme your mindset with a simple tool

What are subconscious thoughts? 

Think of your subconscious as a protective force. From a young age, we learn to avoid things that will hurt us. These are the defenses that we built up around us like a pillow fort, synonymous with survival. And you carefully stack them up over time: one pillow for the things you think you can’t do, one pillow for experiences you believe will never be accessible to you, one pillow for the way you see the world… We’re good at certain things, we’re bad at others; we’re morally dedicated to some beliefs and don’t put weight behind others; we’re only extroverted or only introverted. Each of these pillows provides a soft landing for our developing minds as we grow up.

Video of clip of Joey from Friends asking "So why don't you be a grown up and come and watch some TV in the fort?!"

Then we do grow up. Yet as adults, we still find ourselves retreating into that familiar old pillow fort when faced with moments that bring up negative responses for us such as anxiety, racing heart beat, tight chestedness… Suddenly, your pre-programmed thoughts kick in, ready to alleviate your symptoms. It’s the classic ‘flight’ part of ‘fight or flight’. So when we’ re deciding to make a big change, we might be blocked by a pillow that says ‘I won’t see this through’, ‘I’m scared of rejection’ or ‘I’ll never have the time’, and we go back to where we were, a familiar space that elicits fewer negative sensations.

How do subconscious thoughts stand in our way? 

Maybe you’ve decided to apply for that promotion. As you’re filling in the application form, you’re hit with a thought: 

“I’m not good enough.” 

“I don’t like change.” 

“I’m only going to be good at what I do now.” 


Or let’s imagine you’re re-entering the dating world: you’ve matched on a dating app and they want to meet up for the first time. 

“They won’t like what they see.” 

“There’s something wrong with me.”

“I’m bad at first dates.” 

“I’ll never find the one.”

Any one of these thoughts could stop your career or dating journey right in its tracks, and your big vision for what you want disappears. 


These are just two examples of how our subconscious might stand in our way, but these thought patterns are happening every day, with every decision we make. That’s because these beliefs have been formed to protect you from harm, from disappointment and pain. They form a seemingly impenetrable layer around us like that fort. But as protected as you feel enveloped in that layer, you’re hiding from new stimuli and growth, and you’re stuck where you are. It’s time to start breaking free.

Can we change our subconscious beliefs? 

Yes! Just because you’ve been playing these thoughts on a loop for so long and they’re the only harmony you know, doesn’t mean you can’t change the tune. It’s all about identifying those thoughts when they come up, giving them space for recognition, evaluating where they stem from and unpacking them. What is true about this subconscious belief and what is actually fiction? By examining your thought patterns, you’re empowering yourself to overcome them, and creating space for new thoughts to replace them. In science circles, this is called neuroplasticity, and it refers to the brain being able to change its response to external stimuli. 

How to change my subconscious beliefs? 


Thought work is a powerful tool that’ll help you not only identify these thoughts, but embed new ones. I’ve developed a daily practice based on mind-body science to uncover these subconscious thoughts and bring a brand new perspective to light. It’s all part of my Mindset workshop, called Ditch Your Core beliefs. 


This 60-minute workshop is packed with helpful advice - and it’s all available to you for just R189 (that’s $11!). In it, you’ll learn about the neural pathways that embed these thoughts in our minds. I’ll dive into what these thoughts can look and feel like, and the importance of slowing these thoughts down. Expect to leave equipped with a handy guide to identifying your own negative beliefs, and a restorative daily practice to slow them down and replace them.

How difficult is it to change these beliefs? 

Many people seek out my help as a clinical psychologist when they’re experiencing the symptoms of these subconscious beliefs: anxiety, panic, feeling stuck and hopeless. Even I’ve felt that sense of fear permeate my decisions to change.  And what I can tell you from all that experience is that breaking these mental connections doesn’t come in an instant. It’s a process. But a one-on-one therapy programme isn’t accessible for everyone. That’s why I’ve developed the Solution Focused community and our dedicated workshops. 


With these workshops - and the Mindset workshop in particular - I give you the practical tools and advice to make it easy to identify the beliefs holding you back, reflect on your mindset, and reprogramme your thought patterns. To make it accessible to all, I’m only charging you R189 ($11), which is 10% of an hour-long therapy session. What’s more, you’ll get a daily mindful practice to use to identify your thought patterns going forward. I like to think of it as a sustainable approach to therapy and self improvement, and with it, the challenge of changing your subconscious beliefs becomes that much easier. 


Reprogramme your mindset with a simple tool


Get access to my dedicated Mindset workshop now. In it, I’ll teach you to ditch your core beliefs, and give you the skills and tools to recognize and identify the beliefs keeping you stuck, restructure your thought patterns and ultimately help you pave the way for growth.


Here’s what you can expect to uncover:

- the science and psychology of how subconscious beliefs are picked up in childhood and throughout life

- the three essential steps you need to identify your core belief

- how to change the core belief

- a daily practice to reinforce the new belief

and ongoing access to a growing, supportive community.


You’ll also get my Breakthrough Guide to Thought Work, which includes a chart of the 70 most common core beliefs and positive, empowering replacement thoughts that will set you in motion, not keep you stuck. 


Remember, we do have a say in the thoughts that we think. With this guide you can harness your mind in a powerful way. 


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