Janie Loubser

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Tap into the Power of Mindset: join my NEW workshop

Identify and banish the core beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you stuck in our exciting new live session 

One of the most difficult things we can ask of ourselves is to challenge our core beliefs. Why? The clue is in the name. They’re our core, foundational thoughts about the world around us and our place in it, and just like an automatic habit such as absentmindedly chewing on your nails, they’re often tucked within the depths of our subconscious so we don’t even realise they’re there.

That’s why my upcoming workshop is focused on ditching your old beliefs: giving you the skills and tools to recognize and identify the beliefs keeping you stuck, restructure your thought patterns and ultimately help you pave the way for growth.


When: 19 August 10am-11am SAST
Where: Online via Zoom

Course overview: what we’ll talk about

You’ll join me and our Solution Focused community to focus on these core negative beliefs. We’ll look into the psychology behind core beliefs, unpack why they often stand in our way, and I’ll take you through a daily practice to help you reinforce those new beliefs for positive growth. 

Here’s what you can expect to uncover:

💡The science and psychology of how subconscious beliefs are formed

🪜The three essential steps you need to identify your core belief

🧘How to change the core belief

🏋️A daily practice to reinforce the new belief

💫BONUS: The secret hack that will transform your mindset with just one word

👐…and ongoing access to our growing, supportive community!


If you stay till the end you’ll get my Breakthrough Guide to Thought Work, which includes a chart of the 70 most common core beliefs and positive, empowering replacement thoughts that will set you in motion, not keep you stuck. 

Why join a mindset workshop?

It’s easy to tell someone to ‘change your mindset’, but it’s a whole new ballgame to actually do it. Because they’re rooted in childhood and reinforced throughout our lives, these beliefs are stubborn! By joining this workshop, you’ll get a carefully designed, easy to follow framework for identifying and harnessing your subconscious beliefs, and restructuring them to move forward. I’ll also guide you through a daily practice based on the mind-body medicine. This is a practical experience that you can take with you into your day-to-day life. What’s more, you’ll be joining a community of people who feel just like you.


Catch up on previous workshops

This is the third session in our Solution Focused Framework and we don’t want you to miss out on anything. If you didn’t catch our previous workshops, no problem! I remembered to hit record.

Start with the GETTING UNSTUCK WORKSHOP, geared to those moments when you feel stuck in a rut. It’s full of action-driven strategies for moving forward and realising your potential with a personal diagnosis tool to get unstuck.

Then, we recently wrapped up our BIG VISION WORKSHOP, dedicated to articulating your goals. With this course, you’ll get a special guide to shape your future self. 

From there you will be ready for the upcoming NEW MINDSET WORKSHOP and discover the beliefs that could keep you from achieving your Big Vision.